The Power and Importance of Gratitude While in Addiction Recovery
Addiction recovery is a long and winding journey. There are moments when the recovery process will seem like a stroll in the park, at...

9 Most Common Reasons People are Afraid to Get Sober
Many people struggling with addiction want to get sober, but share common fears about what sobriety entails. Let us take this opportunity...

Having a hard time imagining what your life will look like after getting sober?
Explore 10 of the biggest benefits you’ve got to look forward to when you stop using: Addiction is a full-time lifestyle, leaving little...

Difficulties of Staying Sober in Early Recovery and How to Overcome Them
Whether you are new to recovery or an old veteran, certain obstacles may get in the way of your sobriety. Being prepared for and knowing...

What is Binge Drinking?
Binge drinking is the consumption of many alcoholic beverages over a short period of time with the intention of becoming drunk. Binge...

Women are Affected by Ecstasy Differently Than Men
Recent research is showing that the drug ecstasy affects women differently than men. Ecstasy is a synthetic drug and acts a stimulant and...

10 Signs that you have an Addiction to Meth and Need Addiction Recovery Treatment
Meth is the abbreviated name for methamphetamine, and is also known as crystal meth. Meth abuse is becoming a huge problem in the United...

How Alcoholism Affects The Family Part 2
This is a continuation of part 1 in which we discussed the affects that alcoholism has on children; now we will discuss how spouses or...

How Alcoholism Affects The Family Part 1
Alcoholism affects millions, perhaps up to a billion, people throughout the world. It is not only the alcoholic who is affected by this...

These “Effects of Alcohol” are just Myths
The terms ‘nightcap’ and ‘liquid courage’ are self explanatory in regards to what we believe are the powers of alcohol. However, many of...