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Why Shafa
And what makes us the best rehab in India
Those countless lives who have benefitted from our deaddiction program are the best people to answer this question precisely. Earning and maintaining the reputation of India’s largest rehabilitation centre for alcohol and drugs is not an easy task. It is culture and our vibe that produce the highest recovery rate out of all the deaddiction centres in India.
In a recent follow-up conducted thru home visits and a telephonic survey, it was found that 90% of the people who completed their treatment at Shafa remained in recovery, which is phenomenal compared to the average national figure of 20 - 30%.
We feel that the major reason for the high relapse rate of rehabilitation centres in India is that most of their deaddiction programs are medicine-based, catering only to the biological aspect of the disease. By simply detoxifying the person off of his chemical dependence, they declare him as fit, which is nothing more than a temporary solution. The fact that gets ignored here is, that addiction is not the problem, it is a symptom.
The real problem is negative behaviours, poor decision-making and unhealthy choices in every sphere of life. Any deaddiction treatment that does not resurrect all the four affected dimensions of a person’s well-being, i.e. Physical, Psychological, Social and Spiritual well-being, is not an absolute treatment. That's why, Shafa's philosophy of Love, Care, and Concern is endorsed by an interdisciplinary approach that focuses on the restoration of all these four dimensions.

An ideal deaddiction program empowers the drug dependent to rediscover his purpose in life. Good treatment should transform a drug addict into a productive member of society, who understands his duties and responsibilities towards himself, his family, the society, and, the nation. Treatment should provide a safe and healthy environment to the addict, where he/she can get ample amount of help, time, and opportunity to reconstruct his/her value system.
It is also imperative to provide them with the necessary skills that will help them in achieving the highest possible levels of self-dependence in the future. When the residents get the ground to reshape their character in a friendly atmosphere and explore what matters to them, a spiritual and psychological awakening is ignited during treatment. This flame of positivity, combined with professional aftercare ensures that recovery has lifetime validity, but is also highly productive. Based on this holistic module, we at Shafa proudly foster an awareness of quality and productive lifestyle into each individual. We also have in place a well-designed de-addiction treatment for women.