We can’t make it possible…....…Without you

The family of the chemically dependent person is a set of hurt, confused people. They are victims of addiction who do not use chemicals, but are nevertheless victimized by the drug. These people are rarely treated as individuals who need help. They are rarely given a personalized recovery programme for their problems and pain. The pathetic truth is that they are also desperately in need of proper help, support and understanding. In their efforts to protect themselves from the pain of the disease, they would have developed their own emotionally insufficient ways of coping with the problem. The first step towards recovery is to appreciate the enormity of the problem experienced by the family and educate themselves towards implementing the desired behavioral changes.
Family support is an essential ingredient in the recovering person’s journey to recovery. The best that the family can do is to be constructive towards their loved one and support his/her treatment programme. The family needs to help the addict remain focused during the treatment process. All the family members must remain firm in impressing upon the addict to complete his treatment. The journey to recovery can only succeed with the full and active participation of the family members. Treatment is only the first step of the long road to recovery.
We believe that rehabilitation in true sense is within the community which one belongs to, thus it becomes necessary that the same community understand an addict, the pain, shame and guilt he goes through and how they will deal with him after he completes his treatment. This has been the main aim of our family assistance programme.
Family association meetings are held on second and last Saturday of every month in Delhi. The purpose behind organizing these meetings is to provide a platform to these family members where they can share their feelings and take back ‘hope’ and ‘happiness’. These weekly sessions help them a lot in going past their initial shock and their own stage of denial. These meetings also teach them how to extend healthy support and do away with enabling attitudes that may hamper their recovery.
In keeping with our concept that addiction is a family disease, during any one-year we hold 24 (approx) family assistance meetings and reach out to 4500 (approx.) direct and indirect beneficiaries.
EKTA SAMUH …A Family Support Group

Ekta Samuh is a family support group comprising of family members who’s loved one’s are now in recovery. In the initial stages, this group provides support to the family members to overcome from the feelings of guilt, shame, hurt, anger, grief, fear, and loneliness. Through dialogue and discussions, the group prepares them for the responsibility of being a constructive force and support to the program. This way they are all focused in their resident’s treatment and they remain firm in impressing upon him to complete his treatment program.