Signs and Symptoms of Porn Addiction

The accessibility of online porn has been paralleled by a rise in porn addiction worldwide. Are you concerned about yourself or your partner possibly being addicted to porn? Find out the most common signs and symptoms of porn addiction.
· Porn addiction can be just as debilitating as a drug or alcohol addiction.
· Warning signs that your partner could be hiding a porn addiction
Long gone are the days when pornography was only available in the form of nudie magazines purchased from the local seedy convenience store or adult video rental shops. Online porn is now available 24/7 from the convenience of your own home (office, hotel, bus, etc.). With a simple Google search on a computer or mobile device, people now have access to millions of pornographic videos and images covering an extremely wide variety of fantasies.
Unfortunately, this quick and easy access to porn has also seen an increase in a type of sex addiction known as porn addiction.
What is Porn Addiction?
Porn addiction is a type of process (behavioural) addiction. When someone with a process addiction partakes in a particular behaviour (in this case viewing porn), the reaction in the brain is very similar to that of someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs. Other types of process addictions include internet, food and gambling.
Contrary to popular belief, process addictions can be just as debilitating as substance addictions. In fact, any type of addiction can lead to serious negative effects in a person’s life and in the lives of those close to them.
How do You Know if You (or a Loved one) are Addicted to Porn?
Pornography can be part of a healthy sex life, and there is nothing wrong with watching pornography on occasion – provided that the porn is legally produced, accessed and of course, that you are 18+ years of age. So when does watching porn become an issue?
The signs of porn addiction are not quite as visible as signs of drug or alcohol addiction, which is why it is so important to really understand the symptoms if you believe that you may have a problem with watching too much pornography.
The Most Common Signs of Pornography Addiction
Both men and women can become addicted to porn. However, statistics show that men are five times more likely than women to watch porn in the first place. But whether male or female, the signs of porn addiction are essentially the same.
The following is a list of the most common symptoms of porn addiction that you should watch for:
1. Increased Amount of Time Spent Watching Porn
Be aware of the amount of time spent watching porn. A couple times a week for 30 minutes or so is nothing to be scared of. However, if you are finding that hours or even days are flying by while absorbed in porn, this is a sign that your porn habits are becoming a problem.
2. Increasingly Bizarre Content
Just as an alcoholic or drug addict builds up tolerance, so does a porn addict. As the person becomes bored with ‘regular’ porn, they will often start professing to more bizarre fantasies or fetishes. In some cases, the pornographic material is illegal, which is a serious sign of a developing or developed addiction.
3. Lying About or Hiding Porn Use
Lying is a common trait among all addicts, as they try to keep their addiction out of sight of not only loved ones but themselves as well. If you find yourself lying to loved ones about the amount of time you spend viewing porn, you may need to seek professional assistance.
4. Inability to Stop Despite Negative Consequences
There are many negative consequences that can come from watching too much porn, including:
Financial troubles (from paying for sites or videos, etc.)
Relationship problems
Declined productivity at work or school
Trying to stop without success, especially several times, is a key indicator of addiction.
5. Loss of Interest in Sex
In many cases, a porn addict will lose interest in having sex with their partner because their partner is unable or unwilling to duplicate scenes in porn videos. Actor Terry Crews opened up about his porn addiction recently, stating how he began to feel about his wife and others he engaged with sexually: “People become objects. People become body parts. They become things to be used rather than people to be loved.” This altered way of thinking can cause serious issues in a partnership for obvious reasons.
Signs Your Partner may be a Closet Porn Addict
If you have reason to believe that your partner is hiding a porn addiction from you, the above symptoms may not be easy for you to decipher as your partner is probably keeping most of their porn watching hidden. In these cases, there are a few more signs you can watch for:
Change in sexual tastes, often becoming very demanding or frustrated when you do not perform certain acts
Your partner spends an increasing amount of time online, often demanding to be left alone while on the net.
The web browser history on their devices are blank – an effort to hide the sites they have visited
Change in financial patterns, such as hiding credit card or online banking statements.
Your partner may seem increasingly distant or withdrawn, as too much porn can cause a person to lose interest in ‘real’ relationships.
Treatment for Sex and Porn Addiction
Porn addiction can have serious effects on a person’s life and the lives of those around them. In most cases, professional addiction treatment is necessary to overcome it. Shafa Home is a residential rehab facility that treats all types of addiction including sex and porn addiction.
Our treatment programme is designed specifically with process addictions in mind and incorporates Western counselling treatment with Eastern holistic treatments to create a unique and effective addiction treatment method that boasts a 96% completion rate.
If you believe that you or a loved one may be suffering from porn addiction, contact us today to see how we can help. The sooner you seek addiction treatment, the better your chances are of a healthy, long-term recovery.
(This article is the sole property of “The Cabin Chiang Mai”; they are its original authors)