Are you Lonely, Rejected and Addicted ?
If you feel you are lonely, rejected and addicted, you are not alone….we are with you to brighten up your days and bring back the smile on your face.
Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed,that’s all who ever have . ~Margaret Mead
Look out in your community, there are so many people affected with depression, addiction and are rejected by their own family members or friends. Life has become complicated. People no more meet each other on a regular basis , they just remain isolated in homes and glued to their TVs, X-Box play stations,mobile phones etc.
Lonely is creeping into the society and people are unaware of it. They feel their lives are going just fine and they don’t feel the void. People are turning more towards electronic gadgets like mobile phones ,tablets etc. to get some relief from their daily routine and pursue their passions like listening to music, reading books etc.These days there are electronic readers like Kindle that make reading fun and those reading them are glued to it. They always keep their ear phones on and avoid people, avoidconversations, leavingthemselves lonely. The worst part is they don’t even realize what they are doing to themselves by drifting apart from people. This void doesn’t fill by any efforts and the individual gets rejected even by family and friends. Lonelinesstakes place in their busy schedules and disrupts the balance between work and family life.
Let ‘s talk about addiction and feeling of rejection.Both go hand in hand. First a person feels rejected and then he chooses to drink alcohol or turn to other forms of drugs like marijuana, smack etc. this vicious cycle continues and the person becomes lonely as he starts losing relationships, starts suffering losses in work /business, becomesisolated, loses friends and close ones.
Readers ! I have mentioned a few terms above that need some explanation. So let me begin with the term Lonely – when a person stops socializing and remains in a shell created by himself, the condition is known as loneliness. He no more enjoys outings, no more meets friends and relatives , stops talking to his friends and family , stops visting near and dear ones like relatives.
This way he gets secluded and succumbs to addiction. Let me explain the term Addiction – it is the repetition of something that pre occupies the mind of the addict and does not let him stay at peace. The addict would continuously seek the drug of choice and do anything and everything to get it. An addict mostly feels rejected and lonely. Though it doesn’t mean that loneliness is confined only to addicts, this feeling can be experienced by anyone. I just now mentioned about the word rejected, so let me define it for you. A condition where our family, friends, relatives, co-workers and other acquaintances cut ties from us and avoid us completely is known as Rejection. Rejection does not necessarily happen to an addict, it is faced by adults and children too. This happens because we don’t keep our behaviours in check and our abnormal behavior leads them to take such a cruel step. Being rejected by anyone can be extremely depressing and disheartening. It demoralizes a person and provokes him to turn to addiction. Rejection by family is most disheartening amongst all above mentioned ones.
If you feel lonely, rejected and addicted you can adopt these ways to feel better :-
Go for long walks, be with nature for atleast half an hour
Indulge in book reading
Visit your friends and relatives. Take some gifts for them
Follow an exercise routine
Keep away from Alcohol
Pursue some hobbies for example :- painting,music ,outdoor games like Badminton
Consult some mental health councellors / psychiatrists
Use gadgets but in limits
Go out for family outings
Loneliness is a painful feeling so don’t drown into it rather rise above it and prove that you have cured yourself and are no more a person who feels lonely.
People are hurting but they hide under a shell and don’t disclose to anyone about how they feel.